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17 November 2008

Good to have a Travel medical insurance

When I heard about travel medical insurance I questioned myself, why do I need a travel medical insurance? Just past couple of months a friend was telling me how grateful they were to have a travel medical insurance because they got really sick during their cruise. She explained to me how it works and now I know how important to have a travel medical insurance when vacationing. Next time we travel I am considering having a travel medical insurance just in case, you’ll never know.

My favorite food

Food like this I just cannot resist. Do you? If you’re Filipino I know you’ll understand. Just the thought right now my mouth is watering, seriously, I can eat that much every day. I would take diet pill if I have to. In any rate, I’m thankful to May my friend is a good cook; she can cook any authentic Filipino dish and it’s really good. How I wish I can cook too, but for some reason, how many times I’ve tried it always fail. I meant just doesn’t taste like Filipino food, always tastes like Chinese food, I don’t know why. I am Filipino and I can cook Chinese or Japanese food.

15 November 2008

Best and cheap home owner insurance

How was the weekend so far friends? Mine, not so bad, lazy busy weekend. That doesn’t make any sense. wink*... I don’t feel good today and I got no choice to do some household chores. Gosh- there are so many things to do and I don't have that much time to do all the things I want to accomplish before thanksgiving. Yeah- in couple of weeks thanksgiving is here! Enough whining, I better get going so I can get things done. Oops, I almost forget, I need to find a home owner insurance quote for HB, he was thinking of switching to a different agent and want to find out the best and cheap home owner insurance.

This is the reason...

why I don't lose weight...

Kathy took me to a Mexican Grill restaturant for my birthday, had a great time. Thanks Kathy!

07 November 2008

Business with high turnover

As we all know small businesses more likely fail within a year. I think it’s because of lack of research into starting up a business. Or they just buy or put together a small business because they wanted and dreaming to have their own business even without any research. However, with the franchise you already way further ahead of the game as you could imagine. You can’t go wrong with the franchise because most of the company business is well established and it’s proven with high turnover.

My fashionista kid

...doesn't like her school band uniform. Look at her, she so silly!

The concert went well and as usual we didn't see her. She's tiny and seats at the back.