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30 June 2007

Photo from my angel

Julie took this photo while blowing the glitters. I just love it!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! God bless.

28 June 2007


Today boss gave me an annoying job ... well- it not that bad but putting each graphics to database to me its boring and annoying. :-) .

27 June 2007

its Friday!

12:00 AM ... better go bed so I can go to work early. :-) I'm looking forward for my busy weekend.

Happy Friday everyone and enjoy your day.

26 June 2007

Work work work

Just so busy at work ... I am checking peoples work and to be honest i just hate it! I get so frustrated when there's a typo. Graphics wise I'm not so picky anymore which is good thing. :-)


at work ... i have so much checking to do but just couldn't do it after i finished the special project yesterday. arrggggg ... zzzzzzz

25 June 2007

Got excited!

...because i took my 1st opp wink*

24 June 2007

Playground Safety

It's summer and we all love to take our kids to the Playground. Each year more than 200,000 children visit hospital emergency rooms because of playground injuries. Approximately 15 children die each year because of playground injuries.

Many playground injuries can be prevented. Use this guide to examine your children's playground so that they can run, jump, swing and slide to their heart's content—safely.

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22 June 2007

[E_N_G_I_N_E_E_R_S] How to wash a T-shirt

forward email from Ylan.

Been married over 13 years and been doing my hubby's laundry, and since there's a t-shirt label like THIS I want one labeled "TAKE IT TO THE CLEANERS SO YOUR WIFE CAN DO MORE BLOGGING!" hahaha...

Happy weekend everyone. God bless!

19 June 2007

My Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 19 June 2007

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

The owner(s) of this blog would like to disclose the following existing relationships. These are companies, organizations or individuals that may have a significant impact on the content of this blog.

To get your own policy, go to

18 June 2007


Madeleine McCann, Happy Birthday Maddie!!

Madeleine McCann Latest News

Four-year-old, who vanished from her bed in a popular resort in southern Portugal - quatro anos de idade, que desapareceu de sua cama num resort no sul de Portugal. Crimestoppers +44 1883 731 336 Madeleine McCann Official Website links: &

17 June 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Fathers are wonderful people

Fathers are wonderful people,
too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises
as often as we should,

For Father struggles daily
to live up to his image
As protector and provider
and hero of the scrimmage,

And perhaps that is the reason
we sometimes get the notion
That fathers are not subject
to the thing we call emotion.

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16 June 2007 - global search engine

Here is a NEW global search engine and directory masterseek. It is a business-to-business global search engine; it provides quick and FREE access to company profile, contact information, and descriptions of the products and services from more than 45 million companies in 75 countries. The best thing on this global search engine it allows you to search your own country or worldwide and find business collaborates, sales opportunities and new avenues to expand your business and increase your company’s profitability.

By listing your company in masterseek global search engine, without doubt it will help to bring more visitors/customers in your company and increase your sales volume.

15 June 2007

My work place

This is my work place, isn't it dark? Yes, I like it dark it so easy on my eyes specially staring at the monitor for 8 hrs.

How 'bout you? How dark is your work place? :-)

I remember 2 or 3 yrs. ago when we were in our old building, we had a big window plus too many lights. We complained but we can only shut off the certain area. In my area i'm close to a window and to our receptionist w/c big biatch. Anyhow, I did complained but this biatch kept saying she likes the light and she needs to work. yeah right! My hubby even made me a box to put over my monitor but it didn't work. I was so mad, you know what i did? I went to an eye doctor got a doctor's note that i can't have light on my area. hehehe. Yep, as soon my boss read the note right away they turned off all the lights in our area. The receptionist have nothing to say. hahaha.

Happy weekend everyone and God bless!

14 June 2007

Thursday Horoscope

Be careful about complicating a delicate situation now as you push toward getting what you want. You are driven by deep considerations and are willing to do whatever must be done in order to succeed. It seems like it will be all or nothing -- and this can muddy the waters. To avoid problems, keep all communications clear of any misunderstandings.

I will surely take this seriously. Happy Friday everyone!

12 June 2007

Just about time

Today wasn't so bad at all. At work since I have the final color for the weld symbols the only thing to do is to finish up all my graphics for the whole body complete but don't know how fast I could finish it. I believe need to finish this month. Wish me luck :-) .

Then when I get home from work I decided to work on my neglected yard :-(. How could I ignored it. Well, my allergy been so bad this year and just couldn't work outside. Around 6 pm I went outside start trimming all the shrubs and tress. With the help of my sweet angel it went fast! After 4 hrs here's how much I trimmed [HERE] can you believe that? I just put it in the patio and I will put it in bags this weekend cause garbage day IS on Monday. What a relief! Now tomorrow I'm going to try to beautify my garden :-) , its so much to do!. Wish me luck on this one too. :-)

Thanks everyone for passing by really appreciate.

PPP members if you want to be added in my PPP Blogroll leave me a message and don't forget to leave your link.

11 June 2007

Busy at work...

Since last week have been so busy at work. I'm working a graphics for the assembly plant and it's been a pain in the butt specially dealing with the intern. Anyway, they were trying to see what would be the perfect color for the weld symbols and i had to come with color. Well, my boss told the inter he'll ask me to decide the color but she said no, for sure she pick a pink color :-) . She's right i would've pick the pink.

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10 June 2007

FREE Online Dating at is an ONLINE DATING website that has it all. The features are as a good as any paid dating site yet it is totally 100% FREE. NO credit card is ever required. There are a few different factors which make quite popular with the singles crowd.

This site allows you to create a free profile, like most others. You can even search the profiles absolutely free! There are a lot of SINGLES in many areas and it takes only 60 seconds to sign up.

So, are you ready to have the success you have dreamed of with online dating? Click to find out.

Tag from Darlene

Another one from Darlene. This is over due again. Sorry gwapa unshalan man na busy man imo miga. These are the things that i love most......

I LOVE .....

>>>God of course.

>>>my family back home

>>>my own family

>>>my daughter - though such a stinker

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Tag from Genalyn

Another tag from Genalyn ... This is way long over due. I am really sorry Gen, been busy and I kept putting off all the tags i got to be fair to others who tagged me. Ok here it is.

Instruction:Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. win big lotto to buy my own jet! :D.

2. i do my laundry when i run out something to wear.

3. i shop until i drop. :-)

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09 June 2007

Survey? Okey!

I got another tag from Haze ... Thanks for tagging me Haze, good for more update on this blog.

1. Single or married? >>> Married of course :)

2. Have kids? how many? >>> 1 (12 yo)

3. Ever kiss your bf/gf/husband/wife's lips in public? Where? >>> Yes :P

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Five favorite Things

I got tag from Julai Thanks sweetie for tagging me.

5 things I love and tag 5 people.

>>> my moisturizer - of course can't live without it :-).
>>> cellphone - for in-case of emergency and entertain me while I'm waiting for someone.
>>> my computer - I'm sure everybody computer is one thing they love.
>>> my make up - of course! hehehe.
>>> my car - so I can go wherever I can.

08 June 2007

‘Grey’s’ says so long to Isaiah Washington

Actor says ‘I’m mad as hell’ after learning show did not renew his contract

I already knew he wont come back. I just love the chemistry between Dr. Yang & Dr. Burke. I will surely missed him on the show.

LOS ANGELES - Isaiah Washington has lost his job on the hit ABC medical drama “Grey’s Anatomy,” five months after creating a furor with his use of an anti-gay slur.

Washington’s contract option was not renewed for next season, series producer ABC Television Studios said Thursday.

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Microsoft Surface (can't wait to own one - yeah right!)

Microsoft Surface: Behind-the-Scenes First Look (with Video)
The software giant has built a new touchscreen computer—a coffee table that will change the world. Go inside its top-secret development with, then forget the keyboard and mouse: The next generation of computer interfaces will be hands-on.

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07 June 2007

Photo Hunt Blogroll

She’s out! Paris to finish sentence at home


Hilton released from jail because of unspecified medical problem.

LOS ANGELES - After only three days behind bars, Paris Hilton traded a 12-by-8-foot cell for her 2,700-square-foot Hollywood Hills home when she was released early Thursday because of an unspecified medical condition.

Hilton was to be under home confinement, wearing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet, for the remaining 40 days of her sentence for violating probation in a reckless driving case.

The celebrity inmate was sent home from the L.A. County jail’s Lynwood lockup shortly after 2 a.m. in a stunning reduction to her original 45-day sentence.

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06 June 2007

Bid4Prizes ... Where Everyone's A Winner

Have you have a chance to win an auction almost a penny?

Here’s your chance to win an auction way less that you can think of. Check Bid4prizes it’s an auction game. You find a prize that you like and place a bid on it, if your bid is the lowest unique bid, you win the prize. Does is sound good? Let say, if you see a brand new HDTV that you like, instead of putting your max bid of $1,800 you would bid $1.00. After you place your low bid will let you know if your bid is low, high, duplicate or a unique, that’s how the game starts. So, if you’re the only person who place a bid of $1.00 and that is the lowest bid them you win the auction!

At Bid4prizes, there are lots of FREE gifts, Sweepstakes and Cash prizes to choose from Apple I-Phone’s, HDTV’s, Designer Bags, SCION XB’s and much more. Check it out and see if there’s anything you want. I’m sure you have something you want.

So, click you could win or get a new stuff for free today!

05 June 2007


Tuesday: her last day sa softball game. I made sure I didn't missed it. It was a good game, it wasn't boring at all. She got a chance to play again and did a good hits. After the game the coach gave a speech to all the players how great they were playing during the season. And the coach mention Julie's name how she made great hits during the season though she only a bench player. (other words "left over player" ) hahaha.

Wednesday: honors night. we were almost late cause i was late coming home from work got stuck from the traffic plus it was raining hard! Anyways, we are so proud of her. Thanks baby pie for all your hard work. I guess I got no choice to put the sticker back on my van cause i promised her last year if she's an honor again this year I will put this STICKER.

here's some pics:

*** 7th Grade Honors Night ***

Seems like there's NOT much honor kids this school year.

The happy student?!

Such a stinker didn't want me to snap a picture of her.

Julie & her cmate

Ashley & Julie (they grow up together)

me and Jenny (her son is an honor student too)

>>>Ok- the clothes i wore that night i have couple comments. couple moms said " oh you look soo cute " honestly i was so embarrassed by their comments cause people over heard them they were looking at me and gave me a smile. Hindi ko talaga nagustohan sana sinabi na lang nila na i like your outfit or you look nice. "cute" words i think it's for kids compliments, don't you think? I'm almost 40 come on! Please don't think this in a wrong way, i'm just not happy about it.

Thursday: woke Julie up for school but she said her tummy hurts and want to stay home. i asked her 1st if theres a home work or project didn't get done & just pretending tummy hurts so she can stay home. She did insist but if i send her to school and it gets worst i wont be able to pick her up right away since my work is far away.

Friday: got a call from her teacher she didn't submit her project, hmmm it makes me wonder if she was pretending? such a stinker!.Well, she's grounded the rest of the school year w/c is 2 weeks. no cell phone, no internet, no shopping, no friends over or go to friends house and no sleep over. she's not happy at all! i am hoping she wont get a C on her 4th quarter report card. If she does i don't know what to do with her.

Before I forget, for you miss Raquel ...

Have a great one! oh yeah- thanks so much for the package I got it today. hmmm paborito ko pa naman ang pinadala mo. Very much appreciated kaau Raq. hugs!

Happy Sunday everyone and have a wonderful week ahead. Hugs & kisses to all.

I got a chance to upload some photos from the parties. check it out when you guys have time. click HERE.

04 June 2007

Great website for Hawaii vacation

Having thought of vacation to Hawaii? I did thought about it today in some reason but I know nothing where to find a place to stay or where to go in Hawaii. A friend of mine did mention about Maui long time ago how she loved the place specially the home they rent.

I found this great website Hawaiian Beach Rentals, it is an awesome website for planning your next Hawaiian vacation.

I did surf around the website and it sure they offer an absolute best selection of Maui vacations, home/beach rentals. Guarantee in this website you’ll find the paradise you dream of!

Check these awesome place they offer, Lahaina Baby Beach Hale at Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, and a beautiful one-of-a-kind rental home with a plus garden view. Paia Beach House and Cottage at Paia, Maui, Hawaii. This is an ocean frontage with an amazing view.

Click HERE for the website.

Paris Hilton Checks Into L.A. Jail

Only 3 weeks?

Monday, June 4, 2007 7:05 AM EDT
The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hours after strolling the red carpet in a strapless black dress, Paris Hilton traded her designer duds for a jail-issued jumpsuit.

The 26-year-old heiress checked into the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood just after 11:30 p.m. Sunday. She's expected to serve three-weeks for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.

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03 June 2007

Blogs I Create for Friends & Family

I'm no expert making blogs or designing a blogs. But before I proceed I just want to thank to Raquel for teaching me to understand the HTML’s. I know nothing about it when I start blogging. She’s the one also who introduce me the blogspot. At first I was hesitant to do it because when she told me how to change or update the layout, right away I said I don’t think I can do it mine as well stayed at one blog site that I know already. But she insists and even offer that she will show me step by step to do it. Thank God that I am a fast learner wink* otherwise it would be so embarrassing, right Raq?

Also I want to thank the entire FREE blog layout out there.

Here’s the links of the blogs I put together for friends, couple of them I still maintain for them.

***Sister & Nephew

***Still working on this baby blog, can't decide it yet :-)***
I will add some pics later.

02 June 2007

11 Featured Nutrients

Why You Need Them...

Beta Carotene
What it does:
In the body, beta carotene is converted to vitamin A, a nutrient essential for healthy vision, immune function and cell growth. It also acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.
How much you need:
There's no RDA for beta carotene.
Food Sources of Beta Carotene:
Eat plenty of dark green vegetables and orange vegetables and fruits (papaya, mango) weekly to meet your vitamin A needs and reap beta carotene's potential antioxidant benefits.

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01 June 2007

Julie's Honors Night

Thank you sweetie for your hard work, we are so proud of you!

Seems like there's NOT much honors kids this school year.

The happy student!

Such a stinker didn't want me to snap a picture of her.

Julie & her cmate

Ashley & Julie (they grow up together)

me and Jenny (her son is an honor student too)

Keep up the great work Julie.