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27 March 2007

Tag from Arlene

… thanks for tagging me Ms. :-)5 THINGS YOU LOVE OR POSSIBLE COLLECTION OF THINGS A WOMAN CAN HAVE: (i’ll just have a simple 5 things i love)

1. make up … w/o it my daughter will not go out with me.

2. pc … don’t know what to do w/o it. right? :-)

3. cellphone … just incase i get lost.

4. coffee … gotta have it in the morning so we can talk. :-)

5. electricity … this is the most important for me, why?. kasi kung walang kuryente can’t function at all. walang internet (take note #1 ang internet), no heat, can’t cook and all. Saturday around 4 in the morning our power was out & didn’t came back ’til late afternoon. We were at May’s house all day to keep warm. Thanks Kukang really appreciated.

Ito lang muna i’m still not feeling good. I’ve been caughing like crazy, mga 3 days na ‘to. :-(

19 March 2007

Still sick

Hello everyone, how was you guys weekend? Hope everyone had a bliss one.

Here I am still sick, it's my 4th week now. I went to my doctor Saturday waahhhh, I got bronchitis. I don't know why I waited so long to see a doctor. Hard headed kasi eh. Parang nagka tv na ata ako nito sa kaka ubo. Ok lang kasi 70 inch plasma naman. hehehe. I know it's not funny, kasi ito inu-ubo while typing. :-( .

Friday - went shopping with the ladies, it was fun! After shopping we had dinner at Miyako Japanese restaurant. While we were waiting to be seated I wanted to take a picture of the 3 girls but my surprised the camera wasn't in my purse!. Hmmm think think, oh my I left it in the store, luckily i remembered w/c store. I went back to the store running cause i only have 10 mins before the store close. Thank God the ladies in the store kept the camera in a safe place they know I'll come back for it. hehehe.

Saturday - finally see a doctor for my cough. While looking for my key I called Tom at work to let him know that we are leaving for my doctor appointment. He told me we can't leave, he disconnect the battery cause the fan will not shut off. (Friday i took his truck cause my van had a fan problem) I told him I can't canceled my appointment, I asked him if he can tell me how to reconnect the battery, he was hesitant but I told him I know I can do it :-). Yep I did it!

Ok dokie ito lang muna. Thanks as always my friends.

Happy Monday and enjoy the week. God bless.

I need to ask a big favor, BISDAKPLANET is nominated for "FILIPINO BLOG of the WEEK" could please visit HERE to vote the bisdakplanet? It's on the left side bar and please look for BISDAKPLANET. Thanks so much, very much appreciated.

07 March 2007

Julie's Winter School Band Concert