Here's some pictures of my Julie when she was with me at work. It was last Thursday the 27th "Bring Your Child To Work Day". Let me tell you it was a nice feeling when she was with me.
Well, as promise I put her to work right away. She punched over 400 pages to put in the binder and file it for me.
She did a great job, one instruction and she's all set. When she got done my manager let her used his laptop to play some games, so she wont get bored. Ang bait ano? Sabi ko sa boss ko na what about me? Can I play too?...hahaha...Tumawa na lang siya...
During lunch time binilhan si Julie ng lunch sa supervisor ko, ang bait din ano? Later afternoon we let her build the new truck & the old viper. She had a great time putting all the parts together. Walang picture kasi 2009 truck hindi pa release sa public.
Here's her pose sa desk ko...Isn't she cute? (I love my own diva?!) I think she's ready to work now! And she can help to pay the bills...hahaha...
Oh yeah- she decribed my work place, being bored at home without television and internet. She said she had a great time but she wont come back anymore...hahaha...not unless she have a homework and she will come with me again. Smart kid huh! nagmana sa
My Saturday:
I start cleaning my garden. Thank you Cat for the Blessing, sure didn't have a problem *wink. I've been sneezing but not so bad at all.
All clean and ready for a fresh mulch and annual plants.
...1 down 3 more to go...
Madame Ethel meet my buddy, Duke. Everytime I'm outside cleaning he's always in my yard. He lie down near me and kinda weird cause he's watching me (maybe he just want to make sure I'm doing a great job...hehehe) and I can see right on his eyes he's saying something. hahaha . I talked to him though, I think my neighbor sees me I'm stupid talking by myself.

isn't he cute?
Oh- I remember long time ago when he was a puppy (i think 1997), while I was cleaning the garden he ran away with my gloves, I think about a yard away he dropped my glove so, I ran after him to get my glove. Oh what a wise & cute doggie when I was about to picked it up, he quickly picked it up & ran away again with my glove, I think he thought I was playing with him. But I did not, I was getting mad because he was doing it 3 times and I finally gave up! hahaha...I was so amazed when he brought it back and dropped infront of me. I said thank you and he ran away. I'm pretty sure someone saw me, they were laughing their ass off! I am still laughing everytime I remember. hahaha .
Ok dokie- all for now. Happy Sunday and have a wonderful week everyone.
Lots of love to all!
From now on you can see all my hard work in my Sewing and Creation album. Take a peek when you guys get a chance.