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18 February 2009

Smiley tag

Tag from miss Irel.

1. Do you want to grow old with someone or be single?
==> of course grow old with someone.

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
==> still in bed, was up so late last night.

3. What were you doing in last 30 minutes?
==> Working on 2 blog headers, couple blogger layouts and reading the article about best weight loss pill.

4. What was something that happened to you in 1998?
==> Got my 1st job ever!

5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do?
==> I'll ask to put our past behind and figure out how we're going to survive.

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11 February 2009

Valentine’s Day is not for us!

Valentine’s Day is just few days away and have you thinking or gotten anything for your special love one yet? I already have in mind what to give for my DD. You might wondering why my daughter not my DH. Hubby and I Valentine’s Day is just normal day for us, we usually just have a nice dinner at home, no gifts to each other ONLY to our DD. Isn’t it something? One day hubby came home with heart balloon and a big teddy bear I thought it was for me but surprisingly it wasn’t, it was for our DD. From then on we only give Valentine’s gift to our darling daughter.

Anyways, if you are doing special with your love one this Valentine’s Day perhaps surprises her/him for a nice getaway, warmer places like Dallas Texas. I’m sure right now cheap Dallas Texas hotels is easy to find.

Help from discount kitchen sinks

It would be nice to re-do our kitchen. Maybe just to make it a little bit bigger so there's more room. When hubby cooks he always take the entire space of the kitchen and leaving me waiting for him when he gets done at least using the sinks. We have the double sinks but it is not enough for both us working at the same time. It really annoys that I have to wait. We did talk about it, however weren’t not sure because of our thinking of moving. But I told him maybe replace a bigger sink; there's many discount kitchen sinks that will help our budget. We’ll take this into consideration for sure just to help the agony of working together in the kitchen.

04 February 2009

Car Service in NYC

Next semester if Julie continues with the school band they’ll be going to New York. I talked to her already if she’s going but she’s unsure because of her school academic. It is more important, however, we’ll be disappointed; according to her teacher she’s one of the best in the class no one even try to challenge to take the 1st chair away from her.

In any rate, to be honest I was hoping she’ll go because I’ll be the chaperon. And I know how fun to roam around throughout New York City. Well, it’s her decision and we’ll support her. If ever she changes her decision I am ready! Roaming around throughout New York City will not have a problem because Car Service NYC of GO Airlink NYC will be there for us. They offer affordable, on time and safe ground transportation services throughout New York City and the surrounding suburb. GO Airlink NYC share-ride van airport shuttles and private vans provide transfers in each direction between JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark Airports and hotels, residences and businesses between Battery Park and 125th Street. And both of their Standard and VIP SUV and sedan car services provide transportation to NYC, Westchester, Connecticut and JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Airports.

GO Airlink NYC operate every day of the year and feature: new, modern vehicles with a separate luggage compartment, upholstered seating, air-conditioning/heating, and driver two-way radio dispatch, on line reservations 24/7, always reliable and on time and much more! Guarantee you are stress free with GO Airlink NYC.

Hoping to win this awesome Contest!

So, friends come and join Mira's JOINT BLOG ANNIVERSARY GIVE-AWAY CONTEST to win great prizes!

Visit HERE for complete details or simply click the Giveaway LOGO...

Here are the great prizes:

$25 - c/o Random Thoughts
Customized Blog Layout (blogger platform) c/o My Web-Blog Designs
1 Swarovsky Bracelet c/o Yen's Handmades [Click here to see the ITEM]
$20 + 2000 EC credits c/o Windmill on the Hill
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o My Life's Journey to Success
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o Things I Did Not Know Before
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o Unique Ideas For Your Beach Weddings
2000 - EC credits + 1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Night Clicks
1000 - EC credits + 1 month 125x125 ad space c/o NetFreeSource
3000 - EC credits c/o Random Thoughts
1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Dashing Beauty
1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Tales of a Pinay Single Mommy
1 Photo Pop Art Make-over c/o Sweety Tots

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Camotes Island where I want to be

With our situation right now hubby and I we’re talking moving to a bit warmer place. In a way I’m kind of excited, however, Julie will be the problem because she won’t move out in this state. I know one of her reason is her friends; so, we might let her finish high-school and off we go!

You know, our place in Camotes Island, Philippines would be perfect for me, our shoreline property just beautiful. The only problem hubby and Julie will not move there. They have their reasons and I certainly understands their concerned. But then again, I keep thinking of the beautiful shoreline property. I’ve heard Wilmington, North Carolina has plenty those beautiful shoreline property; I should check out Wilmington NC real estate who knows I might find a property just like what we have in Camotes Island.