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30 September 2008

I thought i need a moving trucks

Today is the saddest day at work. After lunch I saw HR and managements walked in announced the sad news. They are going to let people go. I got panicked in a way I might lose my job. They told us to packed all our personal stuff when they call our name because no one will coming back upstairs; no matter if staying or not. I start packing, most are my personal stuffs. Can you imagine I had to go through 3 file cabinets, I didn’t even know what’s going on. I’ve been in the company over 10 years and I accumulate a lot of stuff. It’s like my second home office you know. Looking all my personal belongings I might need moving trucks. wink*…kidding! Anyway, speaking of moving trucks, if you are in need of a moving trucks please visit for an affordable and great service.

Just a thought, imagine if I got let go HR will pack everything and guarantee whoever pack my stuff will be shaking their head.

27 September 2008

Home theater seating for me!

I love to watch movies at home; with 65” HDTV and sit in my comfy couch with buttered pop corn I’m all set. But it would be so perfect if we have the home theater seating for sure it’ll feels like we’re in the theater. Hmmm maybe when we get a new TV I will definitely consider setting up a home theater seating to get the feeling of real theater.

Lazy weekend?

Not really, actually I have so much things to do both online and offline. I need to focus not let myself get distracted. Otherwise guarantee I won’t get anything done. I did my laundry while working online and HB did the cooking. We just had our dinner he cooked some chicken stir fry it was yummy.

Anyway, Julie and HB went grocery shopping early this morning and on their way home they stopped by at Julie’s doctor picked up the x-ray to take to her surgeon doctor on Tuesday. Can’t wait to see her doctor and hear some important matter that I can’t discuss here.

Page Rank update

Have you guys notice your pagerank today? I know some of you are happy and some of you are sad. Why? We know why wink*... I'm happy some of my friends got a decent pagerank, me? nah- mr. gogol hates me! All my blogs got slapped really hard, left and right. hahaha. Even my blogs are not monetized he slap them too. I really don't know anymore how the system works; I think we just need to accept the fact that having a pagerank is not forever. Friends if your blog got PR better take advantage while still hot! wink*

26 September 2008

my scale is broken

I know I need to get serious on getting back my old routine which is my exercise and discipline how I eat. Right now I don’t have the time to do my old routine and the way I eat is not good. I eat way too much. 3 years ago I lost 28 lbs and sad to say I gained all back and more I think. See my scale is broken at this moment hehehe; I just don’t want to see it because I get depress. It’s not helping when I see a friend and telling me I gained so much. Sigh*… I would like to know if any of you friends have taking a diet pills, would love to hear from your experience.

18 September 2008

Tag and the promotional items we got

1. Where have you lived for most of your life? I in my 13 years in Cagayan De Oro City and 10 years in Cebu City before I cam here in Michigan.

2. What was the last compliment you received, and when? Hmmm like? wink* well- almost everyday I received compliment with all my layout designs. And thank you, you know who you are.

3. Do you prefer to call or text? text before, now call. I don't bother text messaging anymore.

4. How many people do you trust 100%? hmmm 1 or 2

5. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? from our favorite store and during our shopping day they have a good promotional items we surely took advantage and got the great item!

6. What’s the last movie you saw in the theatre? hmmm oh yeah of course " Wanted "

7. Can you live without the computer? it depends. if I'm home all day definitely not!

8. Ever got so drunk you couldn’t remember the entire night? daughter reminded me. hehehe

9. Favorite flower? pink rose

10. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? to work or not. I chose not, no school today and taking Julie to her doctor.

11. Have you memorized your social security number/sss number? yes

12. Who was the last person to make you cry? hubby last night

13. What happened at 10:00 am today? watching teleserye

14. Did you know that Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey got married? yes of course big news in entertainment industry.

15. What are your plans for tomorrow? go to work come home and maybe blogging wink*.

13 September 2008

I won't stop my Latte

What a wet weekend. It has been raining since yesterday and right now there are a lot of counties/cities warning for flash floods. I’m supposed to take Julie for clothes shopping today but I don’t like to go out when it’s wet, no fun. She’s mad but oh well too bad. Anyway, the other day on my way to work I stopped by in my favorite coffee shop pick up a latte and I notice the price is a little bit higher than normal. Hmmm, since I can't live without my latte I think it’s time for me to buy an espresso machines to save up a little. I already found the machine I like just need an approval with big boss.

Great deals on shopping

I don't know why females like to shop much but we do. The best way to shop is on the internet. You don't have to even shower, do your hair, and find something to wear. All you have to do is sit in front of the computer and go to Next weekend I'm going to a baby shower, this is perfect I don't have to go out to buy strollers for a gift.

Anyway, at you can shop for everything from arts and crafts, clothing, electronics, jewelry, pet supplies even food and beverages. You name it you'll find it there. My favorite thing to shop for is clothing, a girl can never have enough to wear; Dresses, jeans, sweater, and footwear. So what are you waiting for? ShopWiki will give you anything and everything for sale in their entire store. Start shopping now and save a bunch at

12 September 2008

Job at Philadelphia for me

We had our pay cut couple months ago and it hurt to all us. Though isn’t that bad as we thought but still. A few dollars is a lot for us especially with the gas prices nowadays. I really am considering looking for another job but there’s nothing I can find around here for what I’m doing. I have a friend in Philadelphia she told me they might have the spot for me since I know CATIA 4.1 and CATIA 5. Plus I know a little bit surfacing for sure they will hire me. Big questions if HB will let me go. Well- it’s not going to hurt me if I go ahead check out Philadelphia resumes online.

05 September 2008

Feeling blue

Okay- I am really not feeling good today, it feels like I am running a fever. And I am feeling down too, I don’t know what’s going on with me. I didn’t even eat lunch today all I had all day was coffee and zucchini bread Nadean's baked. It’s 8:30pm right now and hasn’t eaten my dinner yet, I’m not hungry at all. Well- since I’ll be here all night in front of my PC mine as well read some reviews of slimming pills.