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30 January 2008

Wordless Wednesday (5)

My litte Rock Star ... wink*
Last month she learned how to play the guitar, taught herself, practiced everyday and here's the video of her playing "Anyone Else But You" (cover) from the movie Juno.

26 January 2008


This award was given to me none other than ms. Norm from Canada. Thanks so much Norm for given me the Friendly Site Award, i really appreciate it.

I know i have been so bad for not displaying all the awards from my friends in blogosphere, and I apologize for that. I've been so very busy lately that I never got a chance to post any of my awards from you guys. Just so you know, I'm really honored to get awarded and I thank you very much.

It's the weekend

and i got stuck of trying to put together a new template for my new domain. Yes i purchase another domain :-) . Actually, my hubby told me to buy one after i told him i want to start making a customize template for another opportunity besides blog for money.

I'll will share them to you as soon it gets done. My new domain is gonna be more blog designs oriented. If you think your web or blog is boring or not happy how it looks and you want to upgrade or personally customize, I can help you customize a more personal design. email me at for more details.

Happy weekend everyone.

25 January 2008

Happy Birthday Kookie

To you my dear friend Happy Happy Birthday ... Best wishes to you. Love yeah! Where's the party by the way, let me know i'll be there. hehehe. oh yeah- how old are you? yay- i think 18 yrs old right? i know i'm right you don't have to tell me. once again happy birthday, i hope you'll have a great one celebrate with you loved ones.

Another Year

I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done,

I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.

By Joanna Fuchs

24 January 2008

Central Vacuum System

Are you tired of dragging or carrying or pulling that heavy upright or tripping over the canister vacuum? Central Vacuum System is what you need. A Central Vacuum System consists of a power unit installed out of sight in a basement or utility room, and easy to store and use hose and attachments. Installing a Central Vacuum System is a healthier way to maintain your new home. Central Vacuum System is engineered to last, with durable construction and powerful motors to provide years of cleaning performance.

Central Vacuum Systems are everything you need for easy, effective, affordable whole house cleaning. To get your Central Vacuum Systems at the lowest-price visit now!

23 January 2008

Question of the Week 3

My 1st entry of Yen's Question of the Week.

1. One thing you are looking forward to:
==> weekend so i can sleep in

2. Place you like to eat:
==> it depends on my mood.

3. Last thing you bought:
==> bathroom tissue paper

4. Something you hate doing everyday:
==> none other then household chores!

5. Last thing you received in the mail:
==> product sample from payu2

6. Favorite thing you own:
==> jeans, though can't fit right now.

7. Who do you want to meet right now:
==> all my friends in Europe

8. A song that always gets stuck in your head:
==> Julie play with the guitar "All about You by: mcfly" for pass 4 days

9. Last athletic even you attended:
==> can't remember

10. Worst place to be:
==> traffic/rush hour.

18 January 2008

Crazy as it can Be!

For sure! hehehe ... Julie she's really crazy in times of taking pictures of herself. There's no tomorrow for her. I should thank her though because it help me see what she's been doing. One time i was looking for a picture, i accidentally open a folder where she store all her recent photos. Nothing bad, just a picture of her friends but i was shocked when i looked at the date and time. She had friends over while hubby & i at work. well- she's not suppose to have friends over if we're not home. to make the story short she got in trouble, ground her for a week no cell phone, internet and tv. Thanks to her and her camera! lol.

anyway, here's a picture of her using her imac camera. i thought this cute. wink*

Forgotten Tag

Found this tag in my word pad ... I guess someone tag me and forgot to
post it.

Here's the Question for Me and You

1. What is the title of the booknearest to you?
==> graphics manual

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What's there?
==> paper pad on my other desk

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
==> Ysabella

4. With the exception of the computer,what can you hear?
==> co-worker talking

5. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
==> this morning on the way to work

6. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
==> weld model and updated parts

7. What are you wearing?
==> sweater and work pants

8. Did you dream last night?
==> i think i did but can't remember ... well- actually something about my
family back home.

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It's Friday!

I so no looking forward to work, i'll be busy checking and fixing the mistakes we have made. to me i rather to start over the job than fixing or trying to figure out the problem. ( part of it boss ko ang may kasalanan ) ... I planned to make a template but i don't think is going to happen. This weekend i'm going to be busy too, i have friends over to play cards. can't wait, we only play for dime and for fun! hehehe.

anyway, happy Friday everyone and enjoy!

17 January 2008


So disappointed today, actually yesterday. I thought i'm done with all my work but i guess not. All the graphics i was checking didn't even know that wasn't even right at all. I meant the welds and parts been changed and engineers were telling us our graphics are no good. i got panicked yesterday cause i know i'll be the 1st person to ask. yes i am and today i was trying to figure out everything what's going on. (isa kung co-worker sarap sapukin nang nagtanong ako sa kanya anong nangyari sa graphics nya binaliktad pa ako sa mokang na i didn't catch her mistakes, dang! ... to get back with her ... talagang todo kung hinahanap anong mali well- finally got figure it out and siya ang may kasalanan kasi hindi ng pay attention mali ang ginamit nya na weld model arrgggg sarap talaga ipamukha nya! okay na rin kasi alam ng boss ko. )

Anyway, 'to busy na naman sa work. I'm so disappointed i thought i'm FREE this whole week.

Questions & Answers?

I'm not sure where I found this tag, i just feel like answering the question for myself. wink*.

Here's the Questions :

1. Would you rather be alone OR surrounded by enemies for the rest of your life?
==> of course not! why would you want to be surrounded by enemies? they are just biatches in your life!

2.Are you an Early bird or a night owl?
==> night owl all the way. hehehe. well- in some reason i don't have the energy during the day.

3. When sick, do you prefer to be pampered OR left alone?
==> pampered but the same time i want to be alone and of course with lappy in-front of me. hahaha.

4. Do you believe in the relative OR the absolute truth?
==> well- it depends on the situation but i really believe in absolute truth.

5. Which is worse, the Burning Question OR the Painful Truth?
==> of course the painful truth.

Passing this to Lolli, Angel, Justine and ms. Aileen

16 January 2008

Friends are Treasures

It sure is! Amz thank you so much for this cute award. It's so nice of you thinking of me with this award. wink* (copy lang ko nimo ha)

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget" G. Randolp

Passing this cute award to all my friends out there, you are all my treasures!

15 January 2008

Excited or Not?

Hubby is home now, i picked him up around noon, when i saw him it felt like nothing excited or not. hehehe . nah- it was nice to see him though seems like he never go away for 33 days. he is so exhausted from his flight, you know how many hours to travel to Philippines.

It was my 1st time to drive to metro airport and proud i get to the airport just fine...hehehe...though i took the long drive. There's a short way but since i'm not familiar with the road i didn't even take a chance since i'm the queen of getting lost.

10 January 2008

Life in America

Got this from sweet Hazel.

"Dollar". Also to think this: Peso = Foods, clothing, etc and compared to this:

Dollar = Foods, clothing, etc.

For me they are almost similar. Please read this. Some of them are true or all of them are true.

Original message from Aizon:
HAY BUHAY AMERICA TALAGA... A friend named "Maeng Ni" posted this.Lahat ng sinabi niya nakakatuwa at totoo.

Akala ng mga tao na nasa Pilipinas kapag nasa America ka akala nila madami ka ng pera. Ang totoo, madami kang utang, dahil credit card lahat ang gamit mo sa pagbili mo ng mga gamit mo. Kailangan mo gumamit ng credit card para magka-credit history ka, kase pag hindi ka umutang o wala kang utang, hindi ka pagkakatiwalaan ng mga kano. Pag wala kang credit card, ibig sabihin wala kang kapasidad magbayad.

Akala nila mayaman ka na kase may kotse ka na. Ang totoo, kapag hindi ka bumili ng kotse sa America maglalakad ka ng milya-milya sa ilalim ng init ng araw o kaya sa snow. Walang jeepney, tricycle o padyak sa America .

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My other Blogs

My Daily Sunset II, Personal Blog and Swinging from the Vine are still down, server not found. My Daily Sunset II i switch it to blogspot for now and so as my Personal Blog. I'm hoping will be up soon.

Exchange links anyone? Please leave me a message so I can link you up.

04 January 2008

Personalize Butterfly Bedding

It’s the New Year and you might want to redecorate your bedroom to have more personalized looks for a change and that we always start with the bedding. You look around in your bedroom I’m sure first thing come up in your mind would be awesome to have something different perhaps butterfly? I’ve wanted to have a complete Butterfly Bedding and been shop around for quiet sometime now but I got no luck of finding the butterfly bedding I wanted until come across the Vision Bedding. This is perfect, I have lots of collection photos of butterfly and I can have them create the complete bedding set what a brilliant!

If you are a butterfly lover this is your opportunity to have your favorite butterfly photo turn into bedding set. With the use of fine fabrics, surge stitching and true color dyes, all made in the USA, the Butterfly Bedding sets available are of the finest quality known. The nature of the dye process used to create your Butterfly Bedding will render a flawlessly, crisp picture of the butterflies you love. From the delicate wisps of color on the wings, to the fine nature of the antenna, every detail of your chosen image will be perfectly preserved with your Butterfly Bedding.

Visit now to have a personalize bedding set.

03 January 2008


Fifteen seconds is better than five, though five is still better than nothing when it comes to improving flexibility.

A new study out of the United Kingdom suggests a significant benefits from holding each stretch at least 15 seconds as opposed to five seconds or not stretching at all.

Twenty-four college students (average age 20) participated in the five-week training study.

Those in the five-second group performed each stretch nine times, while those in the 15-second group did each stretch three times.

While both groups improved their passive range of motion, those who held their stretches longer showed greater improvements in active range of motion as well.

02 January 2008

Santa and the Little Girl

joke time!

A little girl is in line to see Santa. When it’s her turn, she climbs up on Santa’s lap. Santa asks, "What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas?"

The little girl replies, "I want a Barbie and G.I. Joe."
Santa looks at the little girl for a moment and says, "I thought Barbie comes with Ken."

"No," said the little girl. "She comes with G.I. Joe, she fakes it with Ken."