my kind of red Christmas tree ... [i did not use all the branches] ... this is not done yet, hopefully I can finish it this weekend.
28 November 2007
Wordless Wednesday
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
22 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,
It brings up some facts, quite profound.
We may think that we're poor,
Feel like bums, insecure,
But in truth, our riches astound.
We have friends and family we love;
We have guidance from heaven above.
We have so much more
Than they sell in a store,
We're wealthy, when push comes to shove.
So add up your blessings, I say;
Make Thanksgiving last more than a day.
Enjoy what you've got;
Realize it's a lot,
And you'll make all your cares go away.
By Karl Fuchs
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Labels: happy thanksgiving
17 November 2007
Little Johnny
Joke time it's the weekend.
Little Johnny was assigned a paper on childbirth and asked his mother, "How was I born?"
"The stork brought you to us."
"Oh," said Little Johnny.
"Well, how did you and daddy get born?" he asked.
"Oh, the stork brought us too."
"So. . . how were grandpa and grandma born?"
"Well, darling, the stork brought them too," said the mother.
The next day Little Johnny handed in his paper to the teacher. It read, "This report is impossible to write due to the fact that there hasn't been a natural childbirth in my family for three generations."
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Labels: Jokes
16 November 2007
Last thing i do
1. on your last birthday?
= had small gathering at home
2 . Yesterday?
= the usual place-office-house!
3 . Last weekend?
= family bonding
4. Last Christmas?
= in the house went to some close friends
5. Last New year's eve?
= same on christmas
6. Last Valentine's day?
= dinner at house..heheh
7 . What's the last thing you ate?
= haven't bite anything yet this mins.
8. Thing you drank?
= beer
9.Last message u received??...
= chatted with my sister that message regarding blogs!:(
10. Last place you went to?
= office only!:(
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Labels: Daily Rant
13 November 2007
Wedding Plans
The bell is ringing. The wedding is calling. The wrinkle is topping. More often soon-to-weds have greater wedding ideas and have to be on top of making choices. Wedding Ideas are gathered from our friends and families. The preparation of wedding is not as easy as it seems to be. There are so many things to consider and prepare whether it’s a simple-small or grand wedding the basic aspects have to prepare for the wedding: the venue, the rings, the color motif, the invitations, the fashion designer for the bride, groom and entourage, the flower arrangement, the caterer, the cake, the photographer/videographer, souvenirs and keep sakes, the limousine service, and the wedding destination. These are not a one-hand minute to do but can properly manage this. They are in the business for quite some time and their expertise of handling wedding plan made a dream wedding come true.
So click the now and impart your wedding ideas!
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Labels: Wedding Planning
cramming mentality
what does it mean of deadline? dead of the line? or linya nga patay? hehehe.. This is the reality to all the people it's the distinct of the blood already that we don't do things or submit unless it came to the deadline and for another chance to the deadliest.this might be called cramming mentality? Most of the time if given the period of submission we took granted 'till due time. like what i did for now had only few minutes to do hurriedly leave other errand because its almost expired! i must learn this i pray for this soon to be change..
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Labels: Daily Rant
am i busy?
sometimes if busyness bite most of your time it would hardly to connect any significant stuff and person. i myself is busy with important matter here somehow i tried to update all of you guys and ask apology to some that i fail to visit and chatted. here blog is another that occupied my time however i slowly detached before i caught "something"...wondering what is this something, ok, i wishper it to you! hehehe
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Labels: Daily Rant
12 November 2007
Comfortable Accommodation
The very important of vacation is the accommodation. Vacationers often look up for safe, cheap and comfortable accommodation. We live the word of relax, unwind and worry-free! Now we are talking having vacation. Every time we plan a vacation we’d like to have all planned. From the airfare, hotels, transportation, nice site seeing, and restaurant! This entire package you are looking for is in the service of! Yes, your dream vacation will all come true by! In this coming holiday one of the places they offer is in Orlando Florida. It is because variety of orlando hotel can be found and reserved with great services. Make your choice now to any Orlando hotel by visiting And don’t hesitate to contact them they will be delighted to spare a chatted for travel tips.
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Labels: Cheap Hotels, orlando, vacation
11 November 2007
10 Things I Hate
i grab this from Ylan.
1. Food
balut? i don't even think about it.
2. Fruits
hmmm i love all fruits. but i don't remember i have eaten a durian. i heard no good.
3. Veggies
love all kind of veggies
4. People
arrogants, hypocrite, mata pobre
5. Event/Situation/Incident
crowded to the extent you can't move
6. TV Shows/Movies
any horror movies.
7. Music
music that just screams and/or can't comprehend any of the words through out the whole song.
8. Household Chores
cleaning bathrooms or cleaning in general hehehe.
9. Things around the world
10 . Things about myself
being piggish...wont exercise, sit my butt in front of my pc. hehehe...
pass this to Norm, Angel, Glorie and to all who want this tag. wink*
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Labels: Tag
Dishwasher Soap Film Removal
I never thought of this...
The soap you use for washing dishes may clean your cups and plates, but it may also leave a film on the inside of your dishwasher. Try this kitchen cleaning tip for a film free dishwasher: Fill washer with dirty dishes but make sure you have not included any silver or other metals. Place a bowl with 1/2 cup of bleach on the bottom rack and allow the machine to run through the wash cycle only. Fill the same bowl with 1/2 cup of vinegar and this time allow the machine to run through a full cycle.
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Labels: Life Tips Cleaning
10 November 2007
The right in the Law
We live in the world by laws! The law must have to be observed and valued individually in any case there must be a specific representation of the lawyer to justify the side of the fault. Now a day, smaller incidents or accident can be now claim in the law. This could be a future protection. Like for instance, Auto accidents, drunken driving accidents, Farm machinery accidents, Boating accidents and others. We have the authority to claim the right justice. Holding to defend this piece San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer is our court for protections of our individual rights. This is under the firm of At O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath who have lawyers well experienced and expertise in any field of the case. What are more interesting to this law firm are their free consultation to the query of the case and the answers to our rights.
Stay foot on your right and believe on San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer. You are all in a safe case!
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Labels: general info, lawyer
Smart Pills
joke time! hehehe
One day two boys were walking through the woods when they saw some rabbit turds. One of the boys said, ''What is that?''
''They're smart pills,'' said the other boy. ''Eat them and they'll make you smarter.
So he ate them and said, ''These taste like sh*t.''
''See,'' said the other boy, ''you're getting smarter already.''
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Labels: Jokes
Fitness and Stress
source: life tips exercise...
Stressed? Go work out. A fitness program helps take your mind off the car payments, the boss, the kids, and in some cases the fate of the free world. People with high levels of health and fitness who experience high stress have less sickness than fitness-challenged people with similar stress levels.
***not me i indulged myself with chocolate and big meal.that's why i gained all back what i lost a year ago. 16 lbs. :-(
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Labels: Life Tips Exercise
08 November 2007
Bettercaring for loved ones
There’s a time when we discussed about elderly I can’t help to think of my parents. They are living in other country and I sometimes really worry about if they are taking care of themselves. I shouldn’t worry too much because I know my brothers and sisters are there to look for them.
If you are looking a place for your loved ones you need to check this site they have all the answer of your questions about caring of your loved ones or even yourself. The website will guide you to all of your answers like care homes or nursing home, your care options, and news and views keeps you daily information and tips on staying healthy. The best is there are also groups and forums that give you the chance to communicate with others, ask questions and share their own experiences within the care system. Bettercaring is a dedicated service for anyone, so, visit the site now to get more details.
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Labels: nursing home
Samsung 46 inch LCD
We are all in some kind of transitional stage. The high technology grows fast has a strong middle-class development. The population’s very young, outwardly thinking. One moment we revert the classic tv to a new innovation Flat screen tv. . The new innovation High Definition TV is spreading fast breaking which everyone wanted to own! This coming holiday people are planning to purchase the new flat screen tv which is hardly to decide because we are looking forward to the quality of the tv and other devices. As far as my observations and comments some of my friends who own flat screen expressed that Samsung 46 inch LCD have unique quality on the color pictures, sound system, and the crystal clear of the screen. You can find this samsung 46 inch LCD in Krillion which have good products to any gadgets and devices at a very affordable price. Nothing to worry on the location because it could just even near at your door! Great service offered from krillion. Start browsing for all your needs of gadgets and other devices. It is the place of the devices!
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Labels: Flat Screen, lcd tv, samsung
07 November 2007
In a murder trial
joke time!
In a murder trial, the defense attorney was cross-examining the coroner:
Attorney: Before you signed the death certificate, had you taken the pulse?
Coroner: No.
Attorney: Did you listen to the heart?
Coroner: No.
Attorney: Did you check for breathing?
Coroner: No.
Attorney: So, when you signed the death certificate, you weren't sure the man was dead, were you?
Coroner: Well, let me put it this way. The man's brain was sitting in a jar on my desk. But I guess it's possible he could be out there practicing law somewhere.
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Labels: Jokes
Chest Freezer Cleaning
Last week i was cleaning our chest freezer in the garage, man, that was a pain in the butt... :-) the thing is i'm short ;) can't reach the bottom. how i wish i found this tip before i cleaned the chest freezer it would have been easier.
so if you want to clean your chest freezer try this tips i'm sure it make the job easier.
If defrosting a chest type freezer factors into your kitchen cleaning, try this tip. Use a clean mop to swab the hard to reach bottom of the freezer. After all the water has been mopped up, mop the bottom again - but this time with a solution of baking soda and water. This will help keep the freezer smelling fresh.
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Labels: Life Tips Cleaning
No fax payday loans
Whenever you are financially needed but you want it to an easiest and fastest way. is eligible to receive visits it allows transactions through the online site anytime. They give you unmatched financial flexibility. Also it gives you the convenience of settling utility loans through all credit level and it has No Fax Payday Loans. Most customers frequently ask these questions the confidentiality but have been assured to cast away all the worries since the security of your personal information is there priority. They protect your information by applicable laws and regulations. Making Payday Loans is much more convenient and one of the finest financial institute. Paydayloansquotes is our companion through thick and thin! We count on them anytime and everywhere! They are just the toll free to be here to comfort our needs. Don’t hesitate to call them. Count on of there undying support to all of us needed cash! Click their friendly site for more information.
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Labels: Cash loan, payday loans
it's a clueless Wednesday! so many things in the list to do yet i am on a damb infront of my desk! counting my fingers the day of my grand celebration but still clueless of surprise might come ( as if anyone will give me surprise heheh). i want surprise so i must shut down thinking that later would remind me of... duuhhhh wala nako kabalo unsa ako sulat..hehehe
i am quite neurotic actually today!:P any volunteer to cheer this up?!? hheheh
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Labels: Daily Rant
05 November 2007
Online Casino Games
In a Gamers life, Money is only for fun. Lose more today and win much tomorrow. An addict casino player is like this, they always push their luck even if they lose thousands of box but if lucky strike in the palm huge of money will hoop in the wallet. I’ll take the experienced of my husband, he likes playing casino sometimes the cards is out in his hand and sometimes it is fortunate. But the essence of his doing is to experience once in a while being the joy of the hobby. I was once a player and feel how things make to the person satisfied however it is better idea when playing like online poker at Pro360 which is more comfy than in a crowded casino house. I will introduce this new site of games to my friends whom i know is fun of this hobby. One interesting is the online poker.
They would surely appreciate the works of Pro360 in which all the casino games are present and playable. It is more fun playing online. You can try it! Explore more about Casino and you’ll be hook up, promise!
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Labels: general info
04 November 2007
The best Beach Condo
Premier developer W Residences South Beach is venturing into a new project comprised of 19-story high rise beachfront building on 400 unit introduces an innovative concept, in the form of a condo-hotel like setting where the building are spaced for apart between greenery. The fast rising project in W South Beach Condo represent a collective investment in the area with an estimated value of at least billions.
The innovative master plan includes a modern road network that works, attractive amenities that encourage walking, lush parks and open spaces and other elements that contribute to better quality of life and good health because of the invigorating and clean environment of W South Beach Condo.
The W South Beach Condo is in the highest luxury condo/hotel residence in South Florida. Have look at it and entice yourself on a very fascinating W South Beach Condo.
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Labels: Beach Condo, condo
Fit in fitness
Physical activity is essential to burning calories and losing weight and -- especially important this time of year -- relieving stress. If your schedule is crazy, take 10-minute breaks throughout the day to power up your jump rope, walk around the block, or whatever you can to fit in some fitness. Or strap on a pedometer and work on taking more steps throughout the day, wherever your day takes you.
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Labels: Life Tips Exercise
Super Glue Removal from Countertop
So glad i found this tips...
You probably didn't count on cleaning superglue from your countertops when going about your regular kitchen cleaning. What to do? Nail polish remover with acetone should remove super glue from most kitchen countertops without harming the surface, as should WD-40. If neither of these products work, you'll want to ask the advice of a countertop installation professional.
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Labels: Life Tips Cleaning
Visit Disney World
I have been there to Disney land few times and I am always looking forward to go back again. I’ve enjoyed so much the four theme parks, two water parks and other exciting places. Since Christmas is fast approaching I’ve been considering this coming vacation to spend in Orlando. It’s no doubts the joy and happiness we might feel because the Disney World Tickets is giving us the access to roam around the entire Disney quest, Downtown Disney Pleasure Island, Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard. It is Disney world of fun with our own budget from
I wish this could be considered with my family if and when our time
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Labels: Disney World, Disney World Tickets
if only...
Joke time!
A blonde is on a four-engine plane crossing the Atlantic. All of a sudden there’s a loud bang. The pilot announces over the intercom:
- "I’m sorry, one of our engines has just shut off. We’ll be delayed 45 minutes."
Suddenly there’s another bang. Once again, the intercom clicks on and the pilot expresses his regret that they’ll be delayed two hours.
Shortly thereafter, there is another bang and the pilot announces that they’ll be delayed 3 hours. The blonde turns to the guy sitting beside her and says:
- "Man, if the fourth engine shuts off we’ll be up here all day."
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Labels: Jokes
Healthier weight feels
Enjoy how good your healthier weight feels
Are you more energetic? Sleeping better? Has your doctor remarked on your improved blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol level? Taking off even a few extra pounds can do wonders for your body and your health. When you're tempted to abandon your healthy eating plan, remember how good it feels being thinner.
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Labels: Health Tips
Miami Heat tickets
How would you feel watching your favorite NBA match that in the midst of screaming loud to your favorite players you suddenly fall to the seats you are setting? Isn’t it disgusting? That could absolutely an embarrassing experienced. Well, you better know the ticketing office! In Premium Seats USA you certainly scream safely on the seats they are giving it to you. They care very much to the customer by giving them the best comfortable seats! It is not only NBA or any sports ticket they offer but also the theater, concerts and other shows. And my Miami Heat tickets is screaming loudly this coming holiday. I am sure we are in a safe and relaxed seat. As I will be writing soon our Miami heat tickets experienced you will be ignited too joining the club!
I think you better grab the Miami heat tickets now at Premium Seats USA.
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Labels: Basketball, NBA, Sports
Treat Obesity as a Disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in this month's Journal of the American Medical Association that 18.9 percent of Americans are obese. In the past decade, obesity among adults has risen by almost 60 percent. From 1998 to 1999, the CDCP says obesity among Americans shot up six percent. Obesity accounts for 300,000 premature deaths each year (second only to tobacco-related deaths) and accounts for 9.4 percent of the healthcare expenditures nationwide, the CDCP said.
The next time you admonish yourself for being fat, don't think you just look bad and can't fit your jeans. Think that you have a disease and need a cure, as you would from any other disease. Treat it medically with prescribed diet and exercise from our health & fitness diet and exercise tips. Check with your doctor before launching a 'get well' regime.
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Labels: Health Tips
Satisfy cravings
The best-laid plans can go astray when you're faced with insatiable cravings for sweets or other favorite foods. So satisfy your craving with a small portion of the food you desire. Eat it slowly, savor every bite, and then resist the urge to reach for more. Another option: Chew on a piece of sugarless gum. Studies have shown that this can be a calorie-free way to satisfy your urge for something sweet.
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Labels: Health Tips
Capella University Online
There are many of us wants more to learn in the field of our interest and the field important to our career. We take crash course to gain that knowledge. Capella University an online university offers a program in the area of business, education, technology, physiology and other related course that suit the busy schedule of our daily life. The quality of learning process of education on its fully accredited online graduate programs and specializations found at capella university in its vast of students form more 56 countries.
It is definitely Capella University the ladder of the top of your career. Browse their site and excite yourself the many business and technology programs you can choose. . Learn more on this university and enroll yourself to achieve your dreams of best educations!
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Labels: Online University
Body Composition
Is often considered a component of fitness. It refers to the makeup of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass. An optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness, and the right types of exercises will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass.
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Labels: Health Tips
Question about me 2
7. Eye color?
-> black
8. Any secret admirers?
-> i'll just keep it to myself might get in trouble :-)
9. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
-> gosh long time ago...can't remember now...but i did remembered my meal.
10. Favorite ex..?
-> seriously? ;)
11. Where was the furthest (sic) place you traveled?
-> my work everyday ... :-) ...
12. Do you like mustard?
-> hot one
13. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
-> of course sleep
14. Do you miss anyone?
-> family back home
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Labels: question about me
Halloween is finally over and will now embracing pretty soon the season of giving. Do you have an idea now for the perfect present for the family, friends and relatives? I myself am slowly completing my masters list of gifts. Since Julie and Tom is fun of different gadgets I have the best idea now with the assistance of My hubby
need more accessories for quality use. Like speakers, headphones, webcam and attaché case for the protection and conveniently to carry. My daughter too has same accessories of her laptops at the I would not only enjoy the different colorful accessory but the quality affordable prices they have. I am also thinking to the accessory available at for some of my friends with laptops. Surely they love it!
Don’t wait the last minute just visit website right now and collect those accessories you’d like.
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Labels: Computer accessories, computer hardware, laptops
01 November 2007
Question about me 1
1. Do you love sunsets?
Very much...romantic
2. What's the best thing you have ryt now that you don't have a month ago?
My computer
3. when is your b-day?
November 8
4. What are your wishes for your birthday?
too many to wish..heheh
5. Who do you wanna be w/ on the day of your birthday?
My family, friends
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Labels: question about me
Welcome November
I love November because it’s the month of my birthday but sad because I’ll be a year older. Well- I should not be worry about it because it’s only a number right? I don’t have plans what I’m going to do for my birthday for sure NO party maybe go out with friends go dancing? Don’t know, maybe I’ll just stay home and send Julie and tom somewhere so I’m just by myself, I would prepare that alone do nothing. Nahhhh boring…would be great to go spa…that’s a perfect idea!
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Labels: Daily Rant